and north Devon

Trainer Q&A: Sarah

As we come out of lockdown and get back to some kind of normality, we thought it would be a good idea to introduce you to the KBPT team. First up, it’s Sarah.

How and why did you become a personal trainer?

I was a primary school teacher and then a PE teacher so I’ve always enjoyed helping people to get fitter and healthier. I also do Olympic lifting and I’m keen to show others the benefits of weights.

In 2016, I qualified as a personal trainer but I didn’t start using my qualification straight away as I wasn’t sure I could make a living from it. I’ve been working part-time for KBPT for about a year and I’m now a full-time member of the team.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not training KBPT clients?

Sports-wise, I do weightlifting and running – I’ve recently done my first half-marathon. Life’s about balance so I’m also a bit of a foodie and enjoy a glass of gin or wine.

What is your philosophy on health and fitness?

The big thing for me is to not exercise to punish your body. Exercise is so good for your mental health as well as your physical health so it’s important you enjoy it. Listen to your body (if you’ve got a niggle, get it checked out) and listen to your mind. Try to nourish yourself in lots of different ways.

What inspires you – both personally and professionally?

I like to better myself. It was Olympic lifting that gave me the bug – I could see myself getting stronger and it inspired me to do more. When I’m running, I’m always trying to beat my own previous time. 

I try to pass this on to help inspire my KBPT clients too. Some of them don’t believe they can achieve their fitness goals but, if they do something they enjoy, they’ll see improvement over time.

How do you motivate your clients?

I always start with their personal goals. Everyone’s different – one client might be getting in shape for their wedding, another might want to gain strength after an injury. We start by focusing on just moving and then, through our sessions (and some homework in between), we build up their training programme. 

Since the COVID-19 lockdown, I’ve found that my clients are more motivated than ever (perhaps because they’ve not been getting as much exercise while stuck at home). It’s great to see everyone wanting to train even more.

What lessons have you learned as a personal trainer?

The reason I didn’t become a personal trainer sooner was that I didn’t think I could make it work as a career. I was wrong. Retraining as a PT was the best decision I ever made.

Bonus question... what was your favourite holiday?

Definitely a trip to Cambodia and Vietnam with my best friend in 2018. I fell in love with Cambodia. The culture, the people and the food were amazing. It’s got such a relaxed vibe.

If you’d like to discuss how the KBPT team can help you, email Kate at [email protected]

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